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  • A&S Concrete Pump Co., Ltd.
  • Address: 469 Xinsheng Road, Gaoxin District, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China
  • Tel: +86-28-84167580
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  • Contact Person:Aaron

Aerated concrete equipment, energy saving and environmental protection market potential and strive strongest

National Building waste disposal project is also actively support the development of new wall materials aerated concrete, prohibit the use of less actively support the use of solid clay bricks, large-scale, high level of equipment of new wall materials production enterprises make full use of local resources, the development of abatch of low-energy, low-pollution, high-performance, high-intensity, multi-function, high thermal insulation performance gangue burn hollow bricks and ash sintered hollow bricks, fly ash aerated block, industrial brick and other Lee scrap the system, so that these productsbecome the leading products of the new wall materials. The energy saving of the construction sector is an integral part of our energy reduction and climate change work, the building emissions have accounted for about 40% of the general urban emissions. Residential construction accounted for about 70% of the construction industry's total carbon emissions. But our current take only 4% of the construction of energy-saving measures, an annual increase of 16 to 20 million square meters of construction, 80% are high energy consumers. This also means that the great potential of building energy efficiency aerated concrete equipment market development.

    Of industrial, construction, transportation and living four energy-saving industry, building energy efficiency is considered to be the hottest areas to reduce environmental pollution, improve the quality of the urban environment is one of the most direct and cheapest measures. 12th Five-Year period, the state is building energy efficiency higher and more specific requirements: First, comprehensively promote the new heating systems in buildings facilities; improve building energy efficiency standards requirements of the construction phase of the implementation rate; promotion of high-performance green buildings and low-energy buildings; promote energy-efficient housing construction in rural areas.

    Real estate future will face enormous pressure on energy saving, therefore, form their own core competitiveness in the era of low-carbon, is a wise decision. Industry experts pointed out that the state authorities are further research to formulate policy measures for the development of low-carbon buildings. Market mechanisms such as carbon trading will be introduced to promote low-carbon development of the construction industry. Aerated concrete equipment has good performance and state-of-the-art technology to produce aerated blocks have a good appearance, high quality, uniform size, fully meet the national requirements on the quality of the aerated block.

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