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The advantage of Aerated concrete block used to the high-rise building

Aerated concrete in the siliceous material and calcareous materials as the main raw material, miserable gas issuing agent, after mixing with water, the pores formed by a chemical reaction, by casting molding, pre raising cutting, autoclave curing process to form porous silicon formate concrete, following by A & S MACHINERY you about aerated concrete blocks used to the advantage of high-rise buildings. 

1, light weight 
Dry bulk density of aerated concrete is generally 400-700kg/m3, relative to the clay 1/3, 1/5 of the ordinary concrete, and also lower than the the general lightweight aggregate concrete and hollow blocks, hollow clay brick productsThus, the use of aerated concrete as wall materials can greatly reduce the weight of buildings, thereby reducing the building's foundation and structure the size of beams, columns, saving the cost of building materials and engineering, but also can improve the seismic capacity of the building. 
2, good insulation properties 
With a large number of tiny pores inside the aerated concrete, which has a good thermal insulation properties, the thermal conductivity of aerated concrete :0.09-0 .22 w / (mk), only clay brick 1/4-1/5 1/5-1/10 of ordinary concrete. usually 20cm thick aerated concrete wall insulation effect, relative to 49cm thick ordinary clay brick wall, not only can save heating and cooling energy, and can greatly improve a building plane utilization factor. 
3, with the workability 
Aerated concrete without coarse aggregate, has good machinability, can be sawed, planed, drilled, nailed, and available appropriate adhesive material bonded to the construction of the favorable conditions. 
4, a wide source of raw materials, production efficiency to engage in production and low energy consumption 
Aerated concrete, sand, slag, fly ash, tailings, coal gangue and quicklime, cement and other raw materials to produce, can be determined according to the actual conditions of the local varieties and production processes, and the use of industrial waste greatly, now in China each year only electric plants discharge more than 70 million tons of fly ash. Aerated concrete fly ash indirect use of the excellent products. Aerated concrete production efficiency is relatively high, a medium-sized aerated concrete plant, the annual per capita in-kind labor rate is up to about 600m3 900-1000m3, a small number of enterprises with a high degree of automation than clay bricks (180m3) and concrete puzzle block (500-800m3). Lower energy consumption, production of aerated concrete products production and energy consumption of the unit is only 50% the same volume of clay brick can be good.

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