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  • A&S Concrete Pump Co., Ltd.
  • Address: 469 Xinsheng Road, Gaoxin District, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China
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Power pole down on 203 Street, car crash on Glover Road

Shortly after a concrete mixing truck took out a power pole on 203 Street, a two car crash shut down the intersection of Glover and Logan Avenue. Power lines are down on 203 Street between Fraser Highway and Logan Avenue, causing a power outage to the area and closing off that portion of the road on Thursday. Around 11:20 a.m., a concrete mixing truck with its mixer in the upright position pulled down power lines and took out a power pole. City fire crews secured the area and the driver of the truck stayed on the scene. The crash took place across the street from the City's fire hall, which lost power. It is using back-up power. Power is out to the PriceSmart shopping centre and other businesses in the area. Meanwhile, a collision at around noon has closed the intersection of Glover Road and Logan Avenue, and there are injuries. That road has been re-opened. Traffic is blocked for most of Logan Avenue and no traffic can get through heading south, from the 204 Street overpass. Power is out at the usually busy Tim Horton's as well.

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